About the Warthogs
Salem Chapter #31 Mission Statement:
Our love for our country, the bond of public safety, and our passion for motorcycles are combined to provide support to public safety officers and their families during their time of greatest need.​
The Warthogs Motorcycle Club was established on May 8, 2001 in Detroit, Michigan. This occurred shortly after the founding members, consisting of active and retired law enforcement officers, exited the Wild Pigs Motorcycle Club. Membership in the Warthogs M/C consists of active and retired police officers, firefighters, E.M.T.s, and court officers. The primary goals in becoming a public safety motorcycle club are to develop a bond between public safety officers with similar interests and assist other public safety officers during their time of need. We also assist the orphans and widows of those who lost their lives in the line of duty.
On October 11, 2005, the Salem, Michigan chapter of the Warthogs Motorcycle Club was established. This was the 31st Warthogs chapter to be established. As with all Warthog chapters, we are a non-profit organization that supports all public safety and military motorcycle clubs and respects the colors they wear. The Salem Warthogs are a public charity, tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3).
On August 24, 2013, the Salem Warthogs announced the formation of the Skip Gage Scholarship Fund. This fund provides partial tuition reimbursement to awarded applicants in our local area who meet the criteria set forth by the club. Generally, the applicant must be in a law enforcement, fire suppression, or E.M.T. academy and must not be receiving any other financial reimbursement.
Please note that we are not affiliated with Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company. However, in support of American made motorcycles, we require our members to own and operate a V-twin motorcycle manufactured by a North American Owned Company.
If you would like to help our cause please donate today.
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